Jinx James


Jinx James

Jinx James

Crime Fiction, Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Humor

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    Oct 2021

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  • Born

    1 April

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I get asked lots of questions about the stuff I write. There’s nothing better than an inquisitive reader, I say. So here goes …
Why do I choose to write dark comedy?
It’s just the way I see life, I guess. People in ShowBiz tend to look back on the close calls they’ve been in, and see the funny side of it, especially years afterwards when they’re a bit pissed with their mates. Some anecdotes I’ve been told would make your hair stand on end, and yet they’re screamingly funny.
How did I decide on the title for Scam A-Lama Ding Dong?
SCAM A-LAMA DING DONG is a derogatory phrase for an old Fifties Rock ‘n Roll swindle. It’s also the title of book #1 in my A Funny Scam series.
I always wanted to write about this stuff because of my Dad. He had to be the greatest Classic Rock and Soul fan ever, a prolific reader and terminal magpie. The old man kept it all, books, records, old videos, CD’s, the lot – and I still have rooms full of them.  And, of course, I spent some time working in the music industry, so I know the real deal.

My hero is Marc Charles, an Aussie rock star dinosaur threatened with financial ruin by a crafty scammer.

Why is there a glossary at the back of the book?
Aussie slang has its own unique voice and laidback laconic sense of humour. For the uninitiated reader, the glossary is aimed at enhancing their enjoyment of the humour. There are some Pommie (UK) expressions in there too.
From this you may have gathered that I was born in the UK, and now live in Australia - in a regional wine-growing area, with my wife and two dogs. Prior to that I worked in Sydney, in the music industry, in advertising and in TV Comedy.

Jinx James Books

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